
Friday, May 31, 2019

My Emotions

1: How do you feel today? Describe - share some  vocabulary words for emotions

A. I'm sad because my friend Christian is going back to Philippines for 1 month. We are gonna miss him

2: Explain how you used your voice to show emotion in the puppet talk

A. Wee didn't have a chance to play the puppet talk because we are doing ESOL.

3. Share a video of your puppet talk
A. I don't have a video on the puppet talk because we are doing ESOL at that time.

4. Make a positive comment on someone else’s blog
A. Done

Thursday, May 30, 2019

Hurumanu - Mars

Aim: To learn about Mars exploration.

1. Rover facts 
2. Design, Draw and Make a Rover
3. Mars facts

1. Rover facts: 

What are the 5 parts for? 
Link: Rovers 5 parts
Fill in the table below.

The two front and two rear wheels also have individual steering motors. This steering capability allows the vehicle to turn in place, a full 360 degrees. The four-wheel steering also allows the rover to swerve and curve, making arcing turns.

Solar Panel
It produces electricity to the rover using sunlight
Gathering Increased Science, or AEGIS. It allows the rover to control its own use of ChemCam, an instrument that learns the chemical composition of rocks by zapping them with a laser and studying the resulting gasses.
The rover has several cameras focused on engineering and science tasks. Some help us land on Mars, while others serve as our “eyes” on the surface to drive around. We use others to do scientific observations and aid in the collection of samples.
Shovel, rock pick,drill
To dig hole on the mars and collect information if there is water on mars and picking up stones

2. In groups of 3 you will Design, Draw and Make a Mars Rover out of Lego Technics.

  1. Lego Technics
  2. A4 paper
  3. Pencil
  4. Ruler
  5. Eraser
The drawing and model must have:
  • 6 wheels
  • 1 camera
  • 1 tool at the front than includes a shovel, pick and drill.
  • 1 solar panel
  • 1 laser that points at the ground

3. Mars Facts
Link: Facts

You will need to find out the following:

Picture of planet

Image result for picture of planet earthImage result for picture of planet mars
Length of 1 year
365 days687 days
Length of 1 day
24 hours1d 0h 37m
Distance from the sun
149.6 million km227.9 million km
Distance from Earth.
0.00km54.6 million kilometres
9.807 m/s²3.711 m/s²
green blue reddish
Average 57 degrees FAverage -81 degrees F
Rainfall990 millimetres (39 in)NO RAINFALL
  1. 78% nitrogen 
  2. 21% oxygen
  3. 1% other

  1. 96% carbon dioxide
  2. <2% argon
  3. <2% nitrogen
  4. <1% nitrogen
  1. 510.1 million km²
  1. 17.2 million square miles or 44.5 million square km
Moons and names
  1.  Moon
  1. Phobos
  2. Deimus

Conclusion: Today in our science I've learned a lot of information about the planet Mars like there are 687 days in a single year, its distance from the Earth is 54.6 million kilometres and its distance from the sun is 227.9 million kilometres, The length of a day there is 1d 0h 37m, The name of its moon there are Phobos and Deimus . 

Friday, May 24, 2019

Mental Health - Drama

What is Mental Health? Mental health is a person’s condition with regard to their psychological and emotional well-being.

When I am____, what do I do?

  • Angry - I want to be alone in, I don't want anyone with me
  • Happy - I feel hyper, i cant stop smiling
  • Stressed - I feel exhausted, felt being so sad, no one love me

How do I deal with my emotions?
Who is the best person to talk when:

  • I am at Home? Why
I would talk to my parents cause they're the people that can help me at home
  • I am At School? Why  
I would talk to my friends and teachers because they can help me.

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Hurumanu - The Case of the Barefoot Burglar

In groups of 3 you are going to need to use your forensic knowledge to solve a crime. You must use the web page: Barefoot Burglar Evidence

  1. Determine which of the four suspects is the "Barefooted Burglar"? 
  2. What do you think was the motive for this crime? 
  3. Write the results of your findings and convince a jury of your peers

The Crime

At approximately 7:15 a.m., Friday morning, Mrs. King, the science teacher, thought something was fishy as she walked down the hall and noticed that her door was open. She walked into her classroom and immediately discovered that the small aquarium had been broken and her prized gold fish were gasping in the sink. Beside the broken aquarium were the shattered remains of the pink piggy bank that had been on the shelf above the aquarium. A can of blue paint was spilled on the floor. Footprints of a barefooted burglar led to an open window. Bits of a white powdery substance were found next to the broken, empty, piggy bank. The only other item found was a half-eaten large chunk of chocolate candy.

When the police arrived they immediately began to gather forensic evidence.

Dan the Man

Height : 176 cm
Alias: The General
Dan was wearing a woolen general's uniform with small holes when apprehended in the woods. He claimed to be gnawing on wood for moisture and insects to practice his survival training. His teeth look like a beavers from gnawing. His wife complains that she never has any baking soda due to Dan's compulsion about storing clothes in mothballs. He thinks the baking soda takes away the mothball smell, so he stuffs his pockets with the substance. Also, his wife reports that her giant chocolate kisses continually disappear from the candy cupboard. He blames their dog Patton, an English bull terrier, who patrols the neighborhood. His neighbors report that Dan loves the military. He was very regimented about playing taps on his bugle every day at sunset until an irate neighbor broke his bugle. Dan has been trying to save money for a new one.
Peg the Leg

Height: 152 cm
Alias: Lucky Lady
Peg is a librarian known for hanging horseshoes and four-leaf clovers in her library. Employees say she is so superstitious she insisted on carpeting in the library instead of laying tiles so she would not step on the cracks. She wraps construction zone tape around open ladders so no one can walk under them. Cola bottles litter her office, which she drinks with chocolate chunks. Her teeth are chipped from knocking the bottles against them. She is always throwing salt over her shoulder for good luck and keeps a salt shaker in her purse. Her alibi is that she was busy closing open umbrellas the morning of the crime.

Jake the Jock

                                                                         Height 201 cm
                                                     Alias: Armchair Quarterback

Jake the Jock is known for quoting statistics on every sport from boomerang throwing to sled dogging. His neighbors report that he is the neighborhood pitcher for baseball games. Last year a baseball hit him in the mouth and knocked out his front tooth. This has cramped his eating style of chocolate chunks, candied apples, and corn on the cob. His wife claims that on the morning of the crime Jake was rubbing his hands with cornstarch to keep them dry in preparation for an important baseball game.

Lou Lou

Height: 160 cm
Alias: Sweet Tooth
Lou Lou is so addicted to sugar that she never leaves home without it. She loves to bake sweet things and has an entire pantry full of sugar bins. She claims to have been baking her famous chocolate chunk cookies the morning of the crime (although not a morsel of cookie or chocolate chunk was left when the police arrived.) Lou Lou rarely wears shoes, which often causes her to slip and break things, especially her collection of ceramic pigs.

  • Fingerprints: Sticky, 'swirl' fingerprints were lifted from the aquarium and piggy bank. 
  • Footprints: The painted footprints were measured and were for 26 cm feet. 
  • Teeth: The chunk of chocolate candy was collected for examination. It appeared there were teeth imprints.
  • White Powder: The white powdery substance by the piggy bank was carefully placed in a plastic bag and taken to the forensic chemist for identification . It had very small grains and when mixed with Iodine it reacted making the colour brown. It did not have a smell.
Name: Dave
Fingerprints: No.

Mouth prints: Has a chipped tooth.
Shoe size: 16
White powder: None found.
Mouthprints:His teeth look like a beavers from gnawing.
Shoe size:none found
White powder:baking soda 
Mouthprints: Her teeth are chipped
Shoe size: none found
White powder: salt
Mouthprints: Front tooth knocked
Shoe size: none found
White powder:Cornstarch
Mouthprints: None found
Shoe size: None found
White powder: Sugar 

Findings: ( what did you find. Summarise what you have written in the table above)
I found everyone had a fingerprint and white powder but i haven't found there shoe size 'cause they're barefoot. Dan has teeth look like beavers gnawing, Peg's teeth are chipped, Jake's front tooth is knock. I haven't found Lou's mouthprint.

Verdict: ( who is the burglar and why)
I think that the burglar is Dan the Man because he had a swirl fingerprint and he was the one who was stealing the giant chocolate kisses.

Monday, May 20, 2019

Hurumanu - The feet can measure the height.

Hello, everyone today's topic in our Hurumanu science is about the feet can measure the height.


The bones of the feet can tell a lot about a person. What do feet reveal about a person's height? Forensic anthropologists team up with law enforcers to help solve crimes.
Bones of the feet can reveal an interesting fact about an individual. Let's combine math with forensics to see how.

Image result for foot chart sizeImage result for foot to height ratio chart
Aim:  To use forensic science techniques to measure the height of a criminal.


  1.  1m ruler  
  2.  Your self  
  3.  Your feet  


  1.  Get your 1m ruler. 
  2.  Measure your feet and body 
  3.  Divide the length of your feet by height  
  4.  Multiply it by 100 
  5.  Put your findings on you blog

Foot  (cm)
Height (cm)
Khyle28 cm147 cm
Christian28 /2 cm150 cm

Divide the length of each person's foot by his/her height. then multiply it by 100. 
147 ÷ 28 = 5.25
5.25 x 100 = 525

150 ÷ 28.50 = 5.56 
5.56 x 100 = 556         

Conclusion:Today in our science is finding the height of a person using the feet. First get you need to measure the foot print and then you divide the length of the persons foot by his/her height. Multiply it by 100
My foot measurement is 28cm and my height is 147cm
Christian foot measurement is 28/2 and his height is 150cm