
Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Testing Food Nutrients

Testing Food Nutrients

Aim: What nutrients are present in different foods

Hypothesis: I think bread will be complex sugar, I think the egg will protein, I think the glucose (sugar, lolly) will be simple sugar, I think the apple will be complex sugar, I think the milk will be protein and I think the potato will be a complex sugar.

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Method for Complex Sugar:
First, put the sample onto the test tube 
Second, put 2 drops of iodine 

Result 1: The potato, bread and apply turned black when we put 2 drops of iodine, so it means they're complex sugar.   

 The glucose, egg, and milk didn't turn black. The milk stays white,  the egg slightly turned brown-ish, and the glucose also slightly 
turned brown so it means these three foods are not complex sugar, they're simple sugar.

Method for Simple Sugar: 
1st: Place about 2ml of the sample into the test tube and then add 5 drops of Benedict's Solution.
2nd: Heat with a Bunsen until it changes colour.

Result 2: Some of the foods became orange and some of them stay lblue. The glucose turned orange after the boiling, the apple turned orange after the boiling, the bread stayed blue at white-ish, the milk stayed white and nothing happens, and lastly the egg, it's now a bit cooked because of the boiling but it's blue.

This means that on this test the only foods that are simple sugar are 
apple and glucose 

Testing for Protein - the Biuret Test
1st: Place about 2 ml of the sample into a test tube and add 5 drops of sodium hydroxide.
2nd: Add 5 drops of copper sulfate.
3rd: Shake the test tube gently from side to side.

Result 3: Two of the foods are positive to protein this is the milk and the egg. The bread stays it's colour, the sugar remains blue, the Apple remains blue and the potato stays white
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Conclusion: Hypothesis ✅
Discussion: I found out that my Hypothesis is right.
The experiment was really well done and I'd learned something new. We had tested 6/6 samples of food. From my hypothesis that I had written earlier, I got 90% percent of my Hypothesis right, I said that the apple will be a complex sugar. I'm right at that one, when we're doing the experiment, it turns that the apple is both complex and simple sugar. I learned a lot from this experiment. It was a cool and calm experiment. 

1 comment:

  1. Kia ora Khyle, Thanks for a brilliant blog! I really enjoyed seeing all the detail and pictures you added :) Your discussion gave me a great summary of the experiment.
