
Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Wonder - Film Notes | Writing


Intro - Close up, spaceman jumps into the shot, slow motion shot to give us the feeling we are in space.
    • intro symbol of the astronaut helmet covers his face, represents the barrier August puts between himself and the world
    •  music - starts quite slow but the tempo and dynamics increase to build energy in the scene. We hear a radio of ground control talking to an astronaut. 
    •  next is a tracking shot as we move away from the figure. It is now a boy in a helmet jumping on the bed.
    • Close-up shows us August 'reality' or view of the world but as we pull back we see the real world.
    • August talking narratively and talks about his life while showing some footage. 
  • 1st narrator
    • Auggie
  • 2nd narrator
    • Via
  • 3rd narrator
    • Jack
  • 4th narrator
    • Miranda
  • Last narrator
    • Auggie 
    • Quote = Dad/Nate: " It's like leading a lamb to the slaughter"
    • 2 mins - the building suspense as we still haven't seen the boys face. We don't know what's wrong but hints it's bad - hospital scene, helmet, tags, school convo, Auggies dialogue in the voice cover.
Star Wars - a symbol of Auggie wanting people to treat him normally - a safe place in the Star Wars people so no one stares at them.
    • Seen - Auggie introduces self, padawan braid,
    • Star Wars character Darth Sideuous used by Jullien to make fun of Auggie.
Quote = Summer: "When being given the choice between being right and being kind, choose kind."

Halloween Scene - 42:56

  • Body language - change, now has head hed high, walking with a contidient stride, interacting with other
  • Music - Happy/Upbeat - monster mash, fast tempo, lots of energy.
    • When he hears jack saying "if I looked like him I'd kill myself" - music tempo gets slow, quiet dynamics to make us focus, use of diegetic sound - kids laughter.
  • Symbols - Halloween mask - physical/barrier between others and Auggie 
Significant - We see Auggie lose faith in the idea of friendship - If Jack can be that mean behind his bach how can he trust others.

Links to the Theme - Popularity and acceptance we see this through Jack as he says what he knows Jullien wants to hear so he doesn't become the target/get picked on 

Jacks Fight Scene - 1:06:00 - 1:08:00 
  • Start an eye-level - mid/medium shot, makes us feel a part of the convo.
  • Sounds are diegetic 
  • Low angle shot as the boys hit the ground, this makes the fight seems more dangerous. Moves to a close up the struggle. 
  • Dutch tilt and low angle make Jack look more aggressive and violent. 
  • Music - minor (sad), quiet dynamic - creates focus and intense, slow temp.
  • Shot in slow-mo so we see the event more clearly.
Significant - Shows the theme of popularity/acceptance. Jack has learnt from his mistake and is standing up for his friend.

The Nature Reserve Fight Scene - 1:29:00 - 1:32:00 
  • During fight shots used to make Auggie and friends bigger - more powerful and the bullies weak and vulnerable.
  • Music has a fast tempo to built intensity.
  • Friendship - Auggie finally feels accepted  when the others boys - doesn't have to hide behind a mask anymore
Significant - Auggie has grown as a character, he is now willing to stand up for himself.

Kindness- respecting others, look after each other, speak nicely, include others.

  • Example 1 - Summer sits with August. This shows the theme of kindness because Summer left the kids who were saying mean things to go and sit with August who looked lonely. Kindness is important to the story overall because without it Auggie (August) will not build confidence, make friends and feel accepted. 
  • Example 2 - Auggie shows kindness when he shares his answers with Jack. This links to the theme because Auggie sees someone in need, Jack isn't even his friend yet, but helps him anyway. This is important because it is the first step to enabling Auggie to make friends, being kind starts this friendship that will be important later in the film.
Importance of Family and Friendship - through this relationship Auggie and others learned the values of trust and self-confidence. They are less alone.
  • Example 1 - The scene where Miranda talks about spending Christmas with the Pullmans. 
    • Links to theme - Miranda is happy and included by the Pullmans.
    • She is ignored/forgotten at home.
    • She realises that she misses having friends/family.
    • Important because makes Miranda recognise what she's lost/misses and she makes to reconnect with Via and the Pullmans. 
  • Example 2 - The boys come to rescue Jack and Auggie.
    • Auggie is included, has friends and is feeling trust and self-confidence.
    • Ultimate example of acceptance and friendship, his classmates had his back without him asking. First time they treat him as an equal.
Being Kind vs Being Popular - doing the right thing even when your friends don't, others pressure you.
  • Example 1 - Julien, picks on Auggie in front of others =, Auggie is an easy target, it makes Julien look popular when the others laugh.
    • Links to theme - Julien chooses to be popular at the expense of others, chases to bully Auggie to seem popular. 
    • Important because it shows choosing popular has negative outcomes. Julien eventually loses his friends, leave school and is unhappy. However, Jack, who choose kind has lots of friends, is happy and doesn't get kick out for bullying.
 "When being given the choice between being right and being kind, choose kind." - Summer 

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